Deceased NPC's are Minor NPC's who never lived long enough to get their own Wiki page. They are listed here for future edification, reference material, and story ideas. (You never know when you'll have to grieve for a fallen comrade, or shoot him in the head when he reappears as a zombie.) And given the existence of time mages and alternate timelines, who knows, they may show up again at some point despite being dead. Despite the high number of imaginary characters who die in TI games, few are named, and those who are important enough to get a name but also die often are memorable enough to get their own article, so expect this list to be shorter than the living Minor NPC's.
All NPC's in the current story, major, minor, and deceased, should also be listed by which storyline they appear in over on the List of NPCs by Storyline page.
Deceased NPC's who died during Season 1 (very incomplete for obvious reasons):
- Pvt. David Oxander, trooper in the 86th Platoon, killed while boarding a vampire-owned freighter.
- Pvt. Felix, trooper in the 86th Platoon, full name unknown, killed in forgotten circumstances.
Deceased NPC's who died during Season 4.3 (Prologue through Episode 1, Act 3):
- Chambers, full name unknown, Justine Macoure's underworld contact on Van Diemen, killed by Justine and Cianan.
- Cianan, brown-haired man, full name unknown, member of Justine Macoure's gang, killed by Light Infantry squad on Van Diemen.
- Trooper Donaldson, soldier in Dimiye's consular protection squad, killed during the evacuation from Chiatzo.
- Major Iradne, InSec officer in command of frigate EFS Enforcer, killed when his ship is destroyed by the EFS Schaumburg under command of Erich Von Shrakenberg.
- Trooper Jimmy Kemper, trooper in Alistar Dimiye's consular protection squad, wounded during the evacuation from Chiatzo, died of his wounds shortly after pickup by freighter.
- Samuel Morales, vampire childe of Catherine, killed by Hex on New Paris.
- Senator Mary Obanye, defector to The Resistance, killed by Hex on New Paris.
- Rebecca, female werewolf, full name unknown, member of Justine Macoure's gang, killed by Light Infantry squad on Van Diemen.
- Wilhelm, full name unknown, member of Justine Macoure's gang, killed by Light Infantry squad on Van Diemen.
Deceased NPC's who died during Season Nine:
- Sheila Farrier, a werecat bodyguard for Scyr, killed by people working for Kazimir Vitek.
- Michael Jacobs, a terrorist turncoat providing intel on the cell on Ashdown. Killed by Fabian Cortez.
- Jetty, crewman on the Scum Sucker, killed by Scyr when he exploded the ship over Babylon.
- Melody Kaur, captain of the Scum Sucker, killed by Scyr when he exploded the ship over Babylon.
- Duke Jordan Landon, Imperial Governor of St. Michael's Star, killed by General Vandemaar for not surrendering quickly enough.
- Jason LeFonte, husband and father killed by William Bishop as a loyal test to the Sabbat.
- Diraz "Raz" Mack, tactical officer on the on the Scum Sucker, killed by Scyr when he exploded the ship over Babylon.
- Naton, first mate on the Scum Sucker, killed by Scyr when he exploded the ship over Babylon.
- Captain Petz, killed by a car bomb on Kalintos.
- Pierce, crewman on the Scum Sucker, killed by Scyr when he exploded the ship over Babylon.
- Sakamoto, a test pilot for the LAF-1B, killed as part of a loyalty test by Scyr.
- Dominic Vasey, navigation officer on the on the Scum Sucker, killed by Scyr when he exploded the ship over Babylon.
- General Kathryn Wagenecht, Chief of Light Infantry Operations for the Ministry of Public Safety, killed by Yasuyama Akira the Younger.
- Captain Mitsuo Yano, CO of the INS Alistar Dimiye, whose attempt to self-destruct the ship was stopped when Argus McCall shot him.