The Enforcer class of corvettes were built in the early 2120's to be operated by Internal Security rather than Earth Fleet. Patroling the orbitals around Federation planets for smugglers, gun-runners, narcotics couriers, spies, rebels, terrorists, and rogue awakened fleeing the draft, these sporty little starships were a common sight in the sky. But after the Third Civil War, the surviving ships of this class were taken away from InSec and instead given to The Raptors, who after the rise of Arthur Clarke assumed many duties and responsibilities formerly reserved to InSec.
Known Ships[]
- ISS Enforcer PF 958 (Destroyed by EFS Schaumburg over Rios, 2243)
- ISS Police PF 957
- ISS Constable PF 959
- ISS Patrolman PF 960
- ISS Knight PF 961
- ISS Texas Ranger PF 962
- ISS Sheriff PF 963
- ISS Marshal PF 964
- ISS Deputy PF 965
- ISS Bondsman PF 966
- ISS Bailiff PF 967
- ISS Guard PF 968
- ISS Warden PF 969
- ISS Federale PF 970
- ISS Gardia PF 971
- ISS Inspector PF 972
- ISS Finanzia PF 973
- ISS Agent PF 974
- ISS Investigator PF 975
- ISS Detective PF 976
- ISS Gumshoe PF 978
- ISS Vigilante PF 979
- ISS Swat PF 980
- ISS Sniper PF 991
- ISS Ombudsman PF 992
- ISS Secretariat PF 993
- ISS Judge PF 994
- ISS Justicar PF 995
- ISS Adjucator PF 996
- ISS Negotiator PF 997
- ISS Arbitrator PF 998
- ISS Pinkerton PF 999
- ISS Gestapo PF 1000
- ISS Securitor PF 1001
- ISS Stasi PF 1002
- ISS Archon PF 1003
Behind the Scenes[]
This ship was designed by Martin Hohner after a ship named the ISS Enforcer showed up in his storyline early in Season 4.3, and was promptly destroyed. They are of course named for types of law enforcement and espionage personnel.