Tech Infantry Wiki

Are we gonna negotiate, or are you just gonna keep staring at my neckline?

Justine Macoure was the half-K'Nes daughter of Deirdre Macoure, and a freelance smuggler active just before the Third Civil War.  How a vampire ended up with a half-K'Nes daughter, and how that daughter matured to adolescence in less than two years, are very good questions that have never been adequately explained, but her heritage left her with a prehensile tail.  She and her crew on the freighter Derision traveled the galaxy in search of good times, good drugs, and good ways to make a quick pile of cash regardless of laws, taxes, or petty concerns such as morality.  Their free-wheeling ways caught up with them, however, when one of their contacts sold them out to the Light Infantry in early 2243 on the planet Van Diemen.  They had come to that world in search of wild Fairy Lace, a hallucinogenic plant-analogue, a quest that ended with a fatal bar brawl and only one member of the crew surviving. That member, the man known only as Freak, absconded with the ship and later became a henchman of either Izzy D'Argent or James Welthammer, depending on which timeline we're talking about here.

Behind the Scenes[]

Justine was the Season 4.3 player character of Lloyd Paschal. Unfortunately, he never sent in any orders, and so his character didn't even survive the first episode.  Her Actor Avatar is Laura Bertram in her guise as Trance Gemini from the TV series Andromeda, mostly as a nod to her prehensile tail.