The Mungunwha system is a star system of six planets in the Jurvain Commonality, located near their home system of Sahlmeen.
Mungunwha has the usual mix of rocky inner planets and gas-giant outer ones, with the second planet from the sun being the most habitable one. Two icy moons of the fourth planet also have small mining and research settlements, but the vast bulk of the system's population lives on the second planet, a blue-white gem of a world more than 90 percent covered by vast oceans.
Several hundred million years ago, the Mungunwha system had a close encounter with a White Dwarf star, which passed through the Oort Cloud around the system and sent millions of comets plunging into the inner system. The resulting rain of comets nearly wiped out the indigeonous biosphere of the second planet, but also gave it both far more water than usual for planets of its size, and a gorgeous system of blue and white rings of ice particles around the planet's equator. The Jurvain discovered and colonized the planet sometime in the early 21st century by human reckoning, around the same time that humans were first leaving their homeworld. The system has so far been spared heavy fighting, since the capital system of Sahlmeen was invaded first during the campaign when the Earth Federation briefly conquered the Jurvain shortly after the Third Civil War.
The rings make orbital facilities extremely difficult to construct around the planet, but there is a large space station hovering over each pole, balanced against the pull of gravity by a large Solar Sail. This means that spaceports and thus much settlement and industry is located near the poles, but the equatorial region is also settled, although much less densely.
Although known as an ocean planet, Mungunwha II does have many islands, both large and small, and these are home to cities and farms that house and support most of the planet's 2 billion Jurvain inhabitants. Others live on permanent floating cities or even underwater cities, exploiting the vast oceanic resources of the planet. These include the famous Mungunwha Algae, a group of closely-related species of fast-growing and very nutritous plants that are native to the planet's warm tropical seas. Farming this algae, both for local consumption and export, is a major industry on the planet. Also found in the seas of this planet are the crab-like creatures whose venom is the source of the illegal painkiller Somjijok.
Behind the Scenes[]
Mungunwha has never appeared on-screen in the story, but its export of Algae is a running joke recurring theme in the storyline of Heth in Season 9. The name of the system, like most Jurvain planets, is Korean, an in-joke due to the fact that storyteller Marcus Johnston was living in South Korea at the time he drew up the galactic map. What exactly "mungunwha" means, though, is not entirely clear due to the difficulty in transliterating English characters to the Korean alphabet.