The New Paris system was colonized in 2077, prior to the Avalon colony's founding in the Vega System. However, Avalon's proximity to Earth made it a more attractive colony. So for a century, New Paris remained an unremarkable system of the Earth Federation.
The digital gate project changed that. With the sudden availability of almost instantaneous transport to Earth and Avalon, New Paris became a major thoroughfare for military and commercial traffic. With the destruction of Earth in 2198 by another Bug asteroid, Avalon became the new capitol of the Federation. After the 1st Civil War (also in 2198), New Paris became a cheaper alternative than the capitol planet for the growing number of bureaucrats who served the Federation. It remains today essentially one enormous suburban star system. Outside of its cities of cheap housing and smaller towns of quiet family living, its farmland helps feed the urban populations of itself and Avalon.
During the Third Civil War of 2243, New Paris was the site of a crucial battle. The Jurvain Commonality's 2nd Fleet, a full third of their forces, invaded New Paris. It was the deepest into human territory any alien invasion has ever reached. The planet's orbital defense network and its Earth Fleet defensive picket under Admiral Shoemaker manged to hold the Jurvain at bay until reinforcements could arrive from Avalon, led by Rear Admiral Joesph Smythe. The ensuing battle was so intense and ferocious, the explosions could be seen in the night sky of New Paris with the naked eye. Finally, Smythe's starfighter carriers successfully encircled and ambushed the Jurvain warships. The entire Jurvain fleet was destroyed, with the exception of their assault transports which managed to escape back to Van Diemen. The battle effectively ended the Jurvain's offensive, and New Paris saw no more fighting until the end of the war in 2244.
Luckily, New Paris was far enough away from the front to be spared the fighting of the Vin Shriak Holy War of 2251-55. Unluckily, it was directly in the path of the Caal Invasion of 2264. Incredibly, system was entered, but not attacked, by the Caal invasion fleet en route from Jennifer's Star to Avalon. This miraculous "New Paris New Passover" made the planet an early hotbed of activity for the Cult of the Emperor, and it instantly became one of the most loyal systems of the Holy Terran Empire in the ensuing Ascension War of 2265. Despite being on the front lines this time, New Paris never saw any fighting during the brief but intense conflict.
Partly due to the system's loyalty, but mainly because its farms feed the enormous population on the capitol Avalon, New Paris retained its digital gate connection even though most other jumpgates were shut down in the years after the Ascension War. This system's importance as the gateway to the Empire's Capitol and the center of its supply network led to it being both heavily fortified and entrusted to only the most loyal of the Emperor's vassals.
Currently, the Pontifex of the Imperial Cult, Edmund Villars, governs New Paris as the head of House Villars. Villars attained his office and fief after the death of the previous Pontifex, Radomir Mallan To in 2269. Although outwardly devoted to the Cult, Villars is viewed as more of a liberal than the fanatic Mallan To was, and has been much more palatable to the genteel tastes of his New Paris subjects.
Behind the Scenes[]
New Paris is named for the capital city of the Republic of Haven in the Honor Harrington stories by David Weber.