Terry Carter was an Earth Fleet officer active during the Third Civil War. He was a classmate at the Fleet Academy with Erich Von Shrakenberg, who introduced him to his future wife, Sheila. He served a long and distinguished career, most famously commanding the battlecruiser EFS Shenandoah at the Battle of Mars. He also fought in the Battle of Avalon. He and his wife have a daughter named Amy.
Behind the Scenes[]
He was, of course, named for Terry Carter, the actor behind Colonel Tigh on the original Battlestar Galactica...and who of course serves as his Actor Avatar. The name was also a very oblique reference to the charcter of Zebulon Carter, who had been the Player Character in the previous game of the same player who created Terry as a supporting character and ally for Erich Von Shrakenberg. The name of his daughter Amy is a joke about the family of former US President Jimmy Carter.